Mischievous Man: Upgrade

 Hannah was laying on her bed, when the Mischievous man appeared outside her window.  He was in a lull and saw the young girl as a fun comeback.  He snapped his fingers, as young Hannah seemed to get uncomfortable. 

Hannah felt a pulsation at her feet.   She looked at her bare feet as they began to grow longer and wider.   She was in disbelief, as her toes thickened, as her feet began to take on a much more manly look. 

Hannah got off her bed, and saw her massive man feet on her still tiny body.  Suddenly, she sprouted up, as her legs grew longer and thicker.  Her jeans were ripped apart, as giant muscular thighs formed. 

Hannah’s arms followed, as they swelled and grew larger.  Her hands thickened and widened, as they grew to match her massive frame.   Hannah’s height was now 6feet, as her chest exploded and swelled with muscle.  Her chest thickened, and grew as his chest became more muscular. 

A deep groan case from Hannah’s mouth, as his mech thickened.  A pair of shorts appeared on his thick legs, as a bulge formed between them.  

His body was on fire, as testosterone began to fuel it. His face began to harden, and age as his features became more masculine.  A trimmed beard appeared on Chad’s face, as his body finished forming.

The man laughed outside, as the hulking man had no idea why he was in a random house.  The man the vanished, as Chad wandered around the house in his shorts wondering why he was in a girl’s room.


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