Wish Granted: Dean of Wishes


Angie was sitting on the side of her school.  She just got suspended for pulling a prank and was waiting to be picked up.  “I wish I could make the rules around here” she said as the genie smirked above her.  Just so happens, a position at the school just opened up.  Almost like it was magic. 

Angie’s hair got darker, as her body began to grow and expand.  Her uniform began to feel tight, as her hair began to recede and shorten.  Angie took a deep breath, as her uniform began to feel constricted on her expanding body.  Her feet were feeling snug in her shoes, as her arms and legs were getting longer. 

“Holy hell” Angie said, as she looked at her hands and her eyes widened.  Her hands began to expand and grow.  Her fingers got longer and thicker, as his palms were becoming rougher and callous.  Angie let out a deep breath, as her uniform began to tear at the seams.  Her growing feet bursted through her shoes, as she felt the cool breeze from her exposed feet. 

She watched, as they widened and expanded as his shoes were becoming ruined from his growing size.  His shoulders and torso broandef and expanded, as his jacket began to rip at the sleeves and back.  His shirt ripped at the chest and back.  Black hairs began to sprout on his exposed chest, as his body began to fill out. 

His legs and arms began to grow thicker and longer, as black hairs grew on them.  His hair was still receding as some of his black hair began to curl and turn grey.  His hairline receded upward, as his body was now well over 6 feet.  He let p it a deep grunt, as he was remembering a job interview.  He couldn’t even have a job.  Why was he remembering having one and accepting a job at this school. 

His tattered uniform began to refit and change.  His manly feet were now fitted in size 14 shoes, as his hairy body was now fitted into a nice black suit.  Angie looked down at his manly hand, as his face began to shift and change.  His features began to harden and become more masculine, as wrinkles began to appear on his face and forehead.

Mr. Steven Saunders suddenly opened his eyes, as he recalled leaving his new school.  He just accepted the job as the Vice Principle.  He smirked, as he saw the students staring at him in the windows.  He wanted to make this school safe and secure.  He was a former drill instructor before going to academics, and he was gonna use his prior experience to change his school. 


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